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Zimmer für Eltern

Heute wurde in der Gruppenrunde erwähnt, dass es in unserer Firma jetzt ein 'Eltern-Zimmer' gibt, was dann einen Kollegen zu der Anmerkung brachte, dass er dann ja seine Eltern da abliefern könnte. Irgendwie beschleicht mich aber das Gefühl, dass das Zimmer nicht dafür gedacht ist. :thinking:


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Larko am :

Ach so, Du arbeitest bei einem Kindergarten? :biggrin:

Andre Heinrichs am :

Manchmal kommt es mir so vor, aber eigentlich ist das kein Kindergarten. Steht zumindest nicht auf unserem Briefpapier.

Larko am :

So whose parents is that room for if not for the parents of your Kindergarten clients? :razz:

Andre Heinrichs am :

Maybe it's for working parents who need to care for their child for a day. Okay, that's not as funny as the Kindergarten but anyway.

Larko am :

That is cute. So what is next? A Kennelzimmer for doggies that need to follow their master to work for a day? :-)

Andre Heinrichs am :

why not, that would at least make work al lot more interesting for colleagues of the parent (You know that there is no singular for Eltern in german, don't you?).

Larko am :

Yup, the creators of the German language could not have imagined a single parent.

Andre Heinrichs am :

Well, there's something to it. Biologically it needs two persons to 'produce' a child so there's not much sense in there being only one. It's not unlike glasses, trousers or news in english that are not supposed to be seen one by one (what about one glass, the left leg of a pair of trousers or one entry in the news?). No, language is not logical.

Larko am :

Sure, it takes two to tango. But the number of families with a single parent around actually raising the child is bigger that that of persons with one leg or one eye.

If language were a matter of logics, a computer could actually do all the babelfishing on our behalf. But dispite all efforts to produce intellectual software, our computers still do not match the human mind. Luckily.

Andre Heinrichs am :

Single parents were not that regular maybe twenty years ago and were certainly very seldom when the inherent laws of german language formed. So there was not much of a need to find a word for them. (Just my guess)

Artificial intelligence is an area of computer science that's just 50 years old but maybe the 'problem' how to build intelligent software will be solved sometime...

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