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Zensur, ein reales Beispiel

Nachdem ich bisher gegen die Zensurbestrebungen ja immer abstrakt argumentiert habe, habe ich heute mal via Fefe ein Beispiel aus Finnland:

1. Finnland bastelt sich eine Zensur über DNS-Manipulation.

2. Der Protagonist in dieser Geschichte scannt Hunderttausend Porno-Adressengegen einen der Zensur-Server.

3. Ganz überraschend stellt sich heraus, dass die meisten gesperrten Adressen gar keine Kinderpornos enthalten.

4. Er veröffentlicht die Liste und fragt die Polizei, was zur Hölle da los ist.

5. Antwort der Polizei: Ja, man würde auch Seiten sperren, die auf Kinderporno-Seiten verlinken. Das gibt zwar das Gesetz nicht her, aber das ist doch der Polizei egal.

6. Nachdem die Zensur von Seiten ohne Kinderpornos illegal ist, provoziert er die Zensoren mal ein wenig, und baut noch eine Funktion in seine Liste: Das werden anklickbare Links.

7. Nach einer Woche installieren die ISPs die neueste Filterliste und ganz überraschend ist auch seine Seite mit Zensurkritik zensiert.

8. Er versucht herauszufinden, ob er denn jetzt eines Verbrechens verdächtigt wird, aber die Polizei beliebt, nicht auf seine Mails zu reagieren. In den Nachrichten heißt es, es sei noch zu früh, überhaupt zu sagen, ob er mit seinem Internetauftritt ein Verbrechen begangen hätte, aber die Seite könnte als 'Kinderporno-Portal' gelten.

9. Jeder, der (in Finnland) versucht, seine Seite aufzurufen, bekommt den Hinweis, dass die Seite blockiert wurde, weil sie Kinderpornos enthalten würde. Ergo: Die Polizei beschuldigt ihn des Besitzes und der Verteilung von Kinderpornos, während er keines Verbrechens beschuldigt wird.

Und genau so etwas dürfen wir dann demnächst auch in unserer ehemaligen 'freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung' erwarten. Toll, oder?


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Larko am :

Andre, your info is basically correct but partly out of date and inaccurate. The filtering is optional, my ISP does not impose the list at all and the biggest ISP in Finland allows their customers to opt out the filtering. Also, the activist site watching the filter was promptly removed from the list as the matter became public. The police are indeed promptly removing various innocent sites from their list when members of public point out that the sites have no child pornography. When they started these activities, they were unable to filter out individual URL's which caused a very large amount of legitimate content to be filtered out.

The obvious weakness of this system is that it does not crack child pornography but on the contrary makes it even easier for pedophiles to find what they are looking for. If the police spent the same effort on manually locating actual child pornography and reporting it to their colleagues in other countries the content could be taken down more effectively.

Andre Heinrichs am :

Okay, so this one case of police overreacting has been solved. But what about smaller sites like, say the private site of a person. If they use one of the providers who refrain from censoring they wouldn't know if police ever put them on the cencoring list and probably not complain about that either.

I really don't think censoring the internet solves any problems. It's like a shopping mall where soneone traded drugs being closed down for everyone. Then no one can get to ewhere the drugs were traded before. Does that solve the problem of illegal drug trade? Obviously not.

That leads me to conclude that censoring should not even be introduced (especially as Art. 5 GG says "Eine Zensur findet nicht statt" - There is no censoring). So, I can only hope that the constitutional court will eventually remove any laws that try to change that. I will not wait for the politicians to realize they are wrong, because I don't have that much time.

Larko am :

You are absolutely right that trying to prevent access to any content in the web does not solve a single problem. Child pornography is indeed a real problem but the best way to address it would be taking down the content in the servers where it is rather than filtering.

I am safe to say that only a handful of MP's, who adopted the child porn law, understood what they were doing. Similar filters have already been suggested for gambling sites and sites carrying copyrighted material. Next thing we may notice could be that YouTube is blocked and before we even realize somebody has blocked your blog and mine.

Andre Heinrichs am :

I think the best way to stop child porn would be to find the producers, those who actually abuse children, and then get them in front of the appropriate judicial system and punish them. Just removing stuff from the internet (which is not the same as the web) won't help children much.

Oh, of course the politicians don't understand what they are doing. They have their 'experts' who tell them what to vote for. In Germany those 'Experts' get told by their party's heads. And *those* don't seem to understand anything but how to get to power and remain there.

I'm quite certain that censoring infrastructure *will be misused*. That's why I'm opposing any kind of censoring, no matter how bad I find the things to be censored.

Larko am :

Just for the record, there is conflicting info about whether the watchdog site still is being censored or not. I could not tell because my ISP does not impose the list. The list itself is officially secret although not very hard to detect.

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